Case Study

“We need a digital product that addresses economic inequities in Boulder County.”



Full Stack

This was a passion project where I worked “full stack,” doing everything from branding to UX to testing.



While I did have expertise around financial justice, I didn’t belong to this app’s target audience of Spanish-speaking mothers.



While I was able to test small features of the app with my peers, it has yet to be validated by its target audience.



This project stemmed out of my work with Philanthropiece. During most of 2019, I had been designing matrices that helped people compare and contrast policies of local banks. But these matrices still left people wondering: “Which bank is truly best for me?”


Creating an app from scratch is kind of like drawing a dog from memory. You’ve seen a thousand dogs—you look at them every day—and yet, when you sit down and try to recreate what’s in your head, you end up with a weird blob where . . .. wait, are those the legs? But no worries — that’s why we have user testing.


I used UseBerry in connection with Adobe XD in order to test the “compare” feature in my app specifically. Want a peek into my Google Drive? You can read the entire user testing plan here.


Banco Justo underwent a rigorous process of refinement where not only the design but the PURPOSE of the app changed. I realized that it wasn’t enough to match users with a bank. I wanted to help them achieve by goal by answering questions about housing, small business loans, and more.


More than anything, I wanted Banco Justo to feel like the apps I love and use every day. So I stole like an artist.


I imagined that users would spend most of their time looking at resources and banks, so there was no reason to have an always-visible menu. The compare feature got moved to the map overlay shown above.

landing pages

Instead of letting users choose between a list or map view for the banks, I created an info-packed map layover reminiscent of Google maps.


The onboarding survey got Turbo-Taxed because long processes are best completed in small, digestible steps.


Low Fidelity

High Fidelity